Psycho-social support and sustainable economic empowerment to widows in Nyakach
Joint project on rain water harvesting with the state of North Rhine, Westphalia, the 13ZW Dortmund and the Weltgruppe Aplerbeck.
Health: Integrated outreach including HIV Testing, GBV Campaign, immunization and general out patient services
Promotion of peaceful co-existence among border communties in Kenya.
Kenya has the joint fourth-largest HIV epidemic in the world (alongside Mozambique and Uganda) in terms of the number of people living with HIV, which was 1.6 million people in 2016 according to the UNAIDS (2016) report.
Our project areas, Siaya, Homabay, and Kisumu counties are among Kenya’s top 9 high incidence counties with an estimated adult prevalence of 21.0%, 20.7%, and 16.3% respectively, compared to the national 4.9% prevalence.
Apart from the high number of people living with HIV, the population in the project areas is further composed of key populations and vulnerable groups, including young girls and women (who contribute up to 21% of all new infections in the country).
Siaya, Kisumu, and Homabay counties are also considered water-stressed due to poor infrastructure development, high Malaria incidences, and poor sanitation.
GCDI works with communities in a socio-economic model in the design and delivery of programs that attempt to provide holistic solutions to these challenges through the following programs:
Health and HIV Prevention and response in communities through:
Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) program and Community Systems for Behavior Change Strengthening through:
Sustainable Economic Empowerment through:
Promotion of Peaceful coexistence among border communities of Kenya through:
Environmental Conservation through: